Dr. Kubilay Yücel

Acne Treatment



What is Acne?

Acne (acne vulgaris) is one of the most common skin diseases which mostly occurs on face, back and chest regions. Although puberty is the period when this disease is seen most, it is seen likely after that. Hair roots and sebaceous glands are origins of acne.Fat cells which can not be thrown out from body, with bacterial factors, may cause acne disease.

What are The Reasons of Acne Occurence?

Acne occurence is not bounded to a single reason. A lot of factors affect this problem which every human may have or had in a period of life of themselves. Genetic factors, nutrition habits, excessive consumption of alcohol and cigarette may lead to common and not intense acne complaints. Despite the common sense, eating fat is not in a positive correlation with acne occurrence. In fact, due to some clinic researches, chocolate which is a quite fatty nutrient, affects acne occurrence negativeliy (positively for skin health)

Acne and Acne Scar Treatments

A lot of people are complainant for acne scars then acne disease itself (except severe events). The most ideal solution is controlled healing under supervision of a Dermatologist. Proper acne treatment is the basic element to prevent acne scars from occurring. With today’s technology in laser systems, acne scar treatments provide positive results in short notices. short notices. Fractional lasers, creams, medicines, acne oriented skin cares, peeling methods are used seperately or multiply for acne and acne scar treatment. During last years, especially Fractional CO2 Laser and carbon peeling method gives better and effective results on acne and acne scar treatment.


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